Athletia Brings Beauty of Active Living to UK

For all those interested in clean beauty, and skincare and lifestyle products that drive the dynamics of your day, now is the time to rejoice - Athletia has landed.

Athletia is a name you might want to remember, if you aren't already familiar with it, as it's already proved to be a hit with this new market. It differs from your everyday beauty brands as it addresses the full cycle of touchpoints throughout the day, acting an all-round wellbeing guardian. In fact, the brand envisions and encourages what it calls 'energetic skin', viewing skin as not just the surface to what's beneath, but as a reflection of the way one lives their life. The products mirror this core belief of the brand of strengthening yourself through its products, inside and out.

There are specifically curated ranges with different focuses of self-care. The aims are to exercise your skin, increase its resilience to daily challenges, and supporting an active life though exercise and daily rituals, which help our immunity and mental health - all funnelling into creating a positive vibe. 

There's also the sustainability element - all products are all created with this in mind. Each component is chosen specifically. Carefully. Meticulously. Its about brilliance on skin, as equally as it is about the wonderful textures so characteristical of Japanese beauty products, as equally as it is to effectively deliver an aromatherapeutic experience. Body and mind.  

What we found impressive about Athletia was that a sustainable and recycle-oriented farm was actually established in Japan where all the key ingredients in their product are grown. Other than full control of the process, it also allows complete authenticity and infusion of core beliefs.

Athletia offers 3 different ranges: Tune & Charge, Active & Go, and Breathe & Sleep, with the key products being the Core Balance Oil and Core Balance Toning Lotion.

Uniquely, they are used in a special blending/layering approach where the oil is applied first, followed by the lotion. The logic is that the oil assists the absorption process of lotion, and though an uncommon technique, it's proved to be so effective that it's become a firm favourite in Japan for soft, smooth, and hydrated skin.

The three key ingredients are Perilla Ocymoides Leaf Extract (known from its use in sushi to enhance the flavour of the fish), Angelica Keiskei Leaf (known as 'ashitaba', or 'tomorrow's leaf', embodying the rejuvenating power that comes from the planet), and Sake. The combination promotes skin turnover, skin support, and the production of type 4 collagen. What a formula!

For us, it's the simplicity and science of the ingredients, as well as the uniqueness and effectiveness of the application technique, that made Athletia absolutely worthy of shouting about. The fact that each up and down of the day is supported by a specific product makes it so easy to incorporate into routine rather than needing to build around it. The benefits: mood, skin, and soul all soothed, and a balance of dynamic and tranquil state with a boost of self confidence as the Sake-infused cherry on top.



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