the hair fuel launch

The Hair Fuel

All natural, vegan, hair growth mask, that actually works.

Accelerating hair growth mask.

  • Speeds up hair growth
  • Reduces hair loss
  • Strengthens hair follicles

Have you ever looked at pictures like these and wished that you could just grow long, luscious locks?

Have you looked at pictures of CELEBRITIES that can afford to use super EXPENSIVE hair extensions that made you sigh?

Have you tried EVERYTHING, but your hair just won’t grow?

Or when it does, you’ve got to trim it all, because it took a year to grow and now ends got to be trimmed?

Have you ever read the advice to TRIM your hair to grow it?

And you went off to the hairdresser to chop off that meagre half inch that took you MONTHS or even YEARS to grow…

We’ve got a myth busted right here:

Hair growth starts from the ROOTS, not the ends.

You’ve got to put some FUEL into the roots. You’ve got to FEED and PUMP your scalp to bring you the long, beautiful hair you’re dreaming of.

Has your hairdresser ever told you:
“Hair only grows to a certain length and then it just STOPS”?

Well guess what, it’s not  true. The speed at which your hair grows at this stage isn’t constant. Even if your hair anagen (growth) stage is only 2 years, but instead of growing an average of 1 cm every month, you grow it x 3 times faster – that’s extra 48 cm (or half a meter!) of hair.

So how do you increase the speed of your hair growth?

The answer is in science. Obviously. Increasing blood flow to your hair roots, improves hair growth.

We've been on this journey.

After treating our hair with PERMS and BLEACHING only to chop it all off – we just wanted it long and natural. That lovely, shiny silk flowing down the back and shoulders… a DREAM.

We’ve watched hundreds of YouTube videos where women with long luscious locks tell you to be PATIENT, tell you to WAIT. And after a year with not a result in sight, we gathered our sorry asses to the hairdresser yet again, because that extra inch we grew got all split ends written all over.

We all RESEARCHED, we tried TENS of magical potions, poured HUNDREDS of pounds into hair growing hair products to no avail.

We even tried a HORSE shampoo!

None of it worked as it was supposed to – hair just won’t grow. Maybe that hairdresser was right after all…

The people behind ths brand were about to give up, just like you. Until one day they discovered a SIMPLE and LOGICAL remedy that just works. And you know why? Because it FUELS the hair from the place it grows: its ROOTS! It’s like putting the right petrol in a sports car, that baby will just keep going distances.

And what’s funny, is that after growing it long using the recipe, they CHOPPED it all off, because long hair can get boring. And a while after that, they felt they want it long all over. And it worked, AGAIN!

Everyone who commits to using it at least two months on average sees 2-3 times faster hair growth.

Does it all sound to you too good to be true?

There is a catch here. We are honest about it. You should be willing to use the mask weekly, over a period of time – sufficient to strengthen your hair naturally. Choose 3-, 6- or 12-months subscription packages and be able to commit to growing beautiful hair for that long.

If you can’t commit to that, you WON’T SEE THE RESULTS, and we would hate for you to waste your money.

If you can’t promise yourself that you will spend 45 minutes once a week for yourself and your hair, we ask you to put your credit card back in your wallet – no hard feelings.

For all we care, you can watch Netflix and NOT grow your hair. The choice is yours.

No mystical ingredients from China.

No endangered animal products from Africa.

Environmentally-friendly, paraben and phtalate-free, vegan.

And the reason it works so well, is because it targets hair growth where it starts.


This is NOT focused on fixing split ends (that won’t help you grow hair).

This is NOT focused on constantly trimming your hair.

So, are you ready for The Hair Fuel?

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