New Marylebone Hotspot, How Matcha!

Marylebone’s new hotspot is one to write home about. Triggering the tastebuds and satisfying the Instagram itch alike, this photogenic hotspot is one that has us already addicted.

The fascination with Matcha has erupted over the past years, with very good reason. Stemming from East Asia, this bright green tea leaf powder comes with a multitude of health benefits (metabolism, heart, liver, we could go on) - and best of all, flavour.

How Matcha! has taken this golddust and concocted an offering of coffees, iced teas, and bubble teas. Each item combines unique blends of ingredients with matcha – ashwagandha, rosewater, and lavender all feature on the menu, along with other healthy additions like cinnamon, turmeric, and charcoal.

It doesn’t stop at drinks. You have matcha pastries. Matcha cakes. Matcha cookies. Matcha honey. We love our traditional avocado and toast, but How Matcha! have somehow one-upped it. Matcha is the magic touch that delivers an upgrade on even our proven classics.

And it tastes every bit as good as it looks.

As for the café itself, one glance at Instagram (and the very many tags) will tell you all you need to know about it. With a wave of flowers the outside and a flood of pastel throughout, it’s the kind of place that makes you desperately grab for your phone. Everything from the seating to the countertop is simply yet effectively draped in pastel colour, with the contrasts between the furnishings and the food and drink providing a delight for the eyes and the feed.

In summary? How Matcha! has managed to take one single ingredient and demonstrate just how versatile (and indeed delicious) it can be, achieving incredible bites and drinks, full sensory satisfaction, and some very loud followers at the same time.

Don’t forget to charge your cameras!

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