Superheroes Bar


This engaging immersive experience combines cocktail making with a traditional superhero theme to spice up the narrative. Did it get our spidey senses tingling? In the best possible way.

I must admit, when I first heard the tagline, I was sceptical. With a superhero concept that can certainly go wrong with clichés and questionable effects, it could have easily been a session of eyebrow raises and awkwardness.

How wrong was I.

Let me set the scene. Through busy but merely mortal Hoxton Street, you enter a spectacularly decorated space where you are immediately transported into the pages of a comic. You are presented with a cape, a mask, and a mission: to become the greatest superhero there was.

Think high school science, and the joys of test tubes and pipettes, and vividly swirling liquids and flames. Combine that with glitter and magnets, some mirrors and lights, then BAM! Along with your great powers, you have with great responsibility (and a well-crafted ‘superhero manual’) created a cocktail. Your one of many.

This experience is for seasoned cocktail lovers and newbies alike; from the bitter Aperol drinkers to the sweet Malibu crowd, there is something delectable for everybody. And with the instruction cards hinting at the flavour essence of each component, you’re free to tweak the tastes as you please.

Superheroes Bar is the concoction of experience extraordinaire Matt Cortland, the brains behind The Cauldron and Wizard Exploratorium (home of the Wizard Afternoon Tea). He has a talent of fulfilling a vision where our childhood fantasies become a momentary reality, and after this latest instalment, we can’t wait to see what he cooks up next.

We won’t delve into the smaller specifics of the experience, as we wouldn’t want to spoil the surprises – they’re too good for that. But have no doubt that you’ll catch yourself ‘woah’-ing and ‘wow’-ing each step of the way. Other than a few details that still need to be ironed out when it comes to the clarity of the later instructions, it remains high on our London recommendation list.


Oh, and if you're lucky enough, you may even get to meet the (may I say) very handsome and SUPER-talented founder of the concept, Matt Cortland, who is the creator of the Magic of Things LLC, which also includes: The Cauldron Magical Pub & Inn (wizard-themed immersive cocktail-making class), and the Wands & Wizards Exporatorium (magical afternoon tea in a soho townhouse). Many more surprises to come! Shhh, it's a secret!

As I sadly handed back my cape at the end, I was secretly thrilled to be able to keep my superhero domino mask – a small gesture with a lasting reminder that we are all, in fact, still kids at heart.


"I am the vengeance, I am the night, I am BATMAN!"

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